The Tulsi Gabbard Nomination Process and the Hunter Biden Pardon May Reveal the Deep State’s Last Efforts to Preserve Its Power
It was revealed a few days ago that incoming President Donald Trump’s nominee to become the director of national intelligence (DNI) is being challenged by the deep state. Tulsi Gabbard, who was targeted by the very intelligence community that she would lead if confirmed by the Senate, has dared to speak out against the status quo of American foreign policy, espionage against American citizens, and the government’s campaign to eliminate free speech under the guise of halting disinformation. The powers that be really do not want a change to their freedom to infringe on Americans’ rights, so as a result, they will look for ways to sabotage Trump’s administration every step of the way (including assassination attempts?).
So, what is the first step that the deep state is taking to try to cast doubt in her abilities and paint her out to be an enemy of the state (stay tuned for the rest if she makes it past step one)? Former diplomats and intelligence and national security officials (possibly as many as 100) are conspiring to hold closed-door meetings with top senators, including current Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (Democrat) and incoming Republican Majority Leader John Thune (Republican), in order to persuade them to block her nomination and prevent the status quo from being altered. The deep state does not care which party is in control or which one can be manipulated to do its bidding (Schumer is the one who specifically said that the intelligence community has “six ways from Sunday at getting back at you”). The purpose here is to make sure that real change cannot occur under a potentially-rogue Trump presidency.
Of course, these closed-door meetings would bring up Gabbard’s attempts at diplomacy, as the intelligence community thrives on war and does not want peace (its revolving-door corporations need to profit, and budgetary funds need to be justified). Back in 2017, Gabbard met with now-deposed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on a private diplomatic mission, and no surprise, the intelligence community did not like an American official having a conversation with an enemy of the deep state (no diplomacy is permitted because it could cut off the flow of money).
The agencies also do not like that she challenges the propaganda from the corporate media and brainwashed politicians who support whatever nonsense that the deep state throws their way. In fact, this has caused the intelligence community to label her as a Russian agent, as it claims simply that because some of her “talking points” are aligned with Russia, she must then be working with Vladimir Putin (this is a logical fallacy). Liberals and progressives stress the importance of having verifiable proof and not falling for unproven claims when they debate conservatives, but yet, when conspiracy theories align with their predetermined beliefs, they throw that concept right out the window and embrace whatever arguments that the “experts” say are true. In this case, they will believe that Gabbard is an asset of Russia without any proof because they naively think that the intelligence community would never lie to us (even though government officials lie and manipulate on a regular basis).
If you need an example of how government officials lie to the public, look no further than former director of national intelligence, James Clapper, when he told the Senate Intelligence Committee flat out that his agencies were not collecting and storing Americans’ data. That lie did not take too long to be found out, as months later, it was revealed by Edward Snowden that the opposite was true. So, when the intelligence community tries to convince the public that Gabbard is a dangerous person who should never be confirmed, we have to take it with a grain of salt.
Plus, Gabbard was unjustly targeted by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) through the Quiet Skies program, which required her to go through additional screening because of an algorithm that supposedly found suspicious travel patterns and connections with foreigners. Of course, in reality, we know that she was targeted because of comments that she has made to challenge the status quo (this is a violation of free speech rights), and after she publicly revealed that she was subject to this scrutiny, she was quickly removed from this “secret terrorist watchlist” (being targeted by the government without being notified or charged for crimes committed is a violation of due process rights).
Kash Patel (an Indian American who does not check off the correct boxes to be considered by the “inclusive” and diversity-advocating liberals and progressives) has faced similar scrutiny in his attempt to be confirmed as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) because he challenges the actions that the bureau undertakes (it is like these liberals and progressives want the rot, entrapment policies, and corruption to continue). Is it any wonder why Trump may be waiving background checks, which would be performed by the very same intelligence community that is targeting his nominees, for his cabinet picks? Liberals and progressives are freaking out over this decision because it could mean that the intelligence community may not be able to dig up dirt on these nominees or have them testify for things that are only concerning when taken out of context in an organized campaign to smear and alter public perception of them.
Additionally, in anticipation of the Trump administration, including Patel, going after and targeting Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden issued a presidential pardon for his son, and this included the unprecedented blanket pardon going all the way back to 2014. Although Joe Biden said that he would not do such a thing and would let the justice system play out (and the corporate media and liberal commentators parroted this talking point), Hunter Biden is now protected from not only the politically-targeted crimes that he was charged with, but rather, he has legal immunity from any federal crimes committed that have not been charged yet (he may have been charged with gun and tax crimes simply to distract away from the deeper crimes committed).
Why this is so significant is that the period for the pardon covers the entire time that he was elevated (for political purposes) to a board of directors’ seat on Ukrainian oil company Burisma Holdings Limited, and during that time, then Vice President Joe Biden bribed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky by threatening to withhold congressionally-approved American funds to the country if the prosecutor investigating his son, Viktor Shokin, were not fired (the same type of pro quid quo act that Trump was impeached for). This pardon may halt investigations into Hunter Biden’s deeds during his time at Burisma (as well as dealings with Chinese state-owned companies in collusion with his father), and as a result, Joe Biden himself may be spared from being brought up on corruption charges. Regardless, liberals and progressives can no longer play the moral high ground and suggest that nobody is above the law, and they must now come to grips with the fact that both parties target their political opponents and are involved in corrupt deeds (trusting the experts and our institutions is a naïve position to hold).
The whole reason that Hunter Biden was even able to be charged in the first place was because of a laptop that was found and used as evidence in the case. In 2020 right before the presidential election, the FBI had pressured social media companies to regard a New York Post story, which revealed information about the laptop, as a Russian hack and disinformation campaign. It turns out that the FBI knew that the story was not fake news, but it wanted Joe Biden to win the election and manipulatively convinced social media companies to censor the story in order to not hurt Biden’s chances (election interference by the FBI).
Then, in a similar fashion to what the deep state is doing to Tulsi Gabbard, fifty-one former intelligence officers signed a letter also suggesting that the laptop story was Russian disinformation (again, knowing that it was not), and these officers did this after colluding with and contacting Biden’s campaign. What makes this worse is that some of those officers doubled as active Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) contractors and had access to agency facilities. This was an attempt by the FBI and CIA (major components of the deep state) to interfere in and rig the election in favor of Joe Biden (it was successful). So, the FBI and CIA lied to the American public and manipulated our democratic process. What is new, right?
If you still do not think that the United States has powerful and unelected entities, which utilize either political party when it is convenient, attempting to rule this country from behind the scenes, it is about time to wake up to reality. This is a very serious issue, and if we do not stand up to it and tell the intelligence community that enough is enough, we will continue to be subjects to the deep state. Edward Snowden, who sacrificed his life in the United States and had to seek asylum in Russia, tried to warn about the constant espionage by the intelligence community against American citizens back in 2013, but very few people woke up and actually cared about what was happening. Americans live under a totalitarian state, not unlike that in China. The main difference is that China takes these actions overtly, and the citizens know that they are being surveilled and controlled. The United States government acts covertly, and although we have the illusion of freedom, we are not truly free. Will this change with a Trump presidency, or will the new administration cave to the power of the deep state?
Thank you for reading, and please check out my book, The Global Bully, and website.