Since It Is Almost Christmas, Let Us Have Some Fun and Speculate About the New Jersey and New York Mysterious Drone Phenomena
Since before Thanksgiving, people across New Jersey have reported and recorded videos of mysterious drones flying over our airspace in close proximity to military bases, airports, and other key infrastructure; and yet, no authorities, from the federal to municipal level, will inform the public of what is going on around us. Of course, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which has received roughly 3,000-5,000 tips pertaining to the drones, have suggested that the drones are harmless and that there is no evidence that they “pose a national security or public safety threat or have a foreign nexus.” Furthermore, the Department of Defense (DoD) and its headquarters at the Pentagon have claimed that the mysterious craft are not of military origin and that they were not launched from an Iranian mothership (this was claimed by Congressman Jeff Van Drew from New Jersey, and since an Iranian drone carrier was being tracked and went missing for a few weeks, it was assumed that it was parked in the Atlantic Ocean and launching drones at the East Coast). So, if the objects are not military or of foreign origin, what are they?
Does this mean that the drones, which appear to have lights that meet Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards, are of extraterrestrial origin? It does appear that the federal government is attempting to use that idea as a sort of passive cover story since we are to believe that the craft have nothing to do with any military on earth (foreign or domestic). The government is simply playing this off and being lackadaisical about what is flying over our airspace and seemingly wants us to speculate wildly about potential causes while not seriously investigating the matter at all. It is like officials want people to come to the conclusion that aliens from outer space are behind this new “unidentified anomalous phenomena” (we should now call these objects UAPs instead of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, since we do not want to discriminate against submerged objects from the oceans, which used to be called unidentified submerged objects, or USOs). Plus, if the government does not know what the drones are but somehow knows that they are harmless, would that not indicate that officials do indeed have information about them? It is almost like getting caught in their own lie.
However, it should be clear that the DoD, FAA, and North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) would not be so passive if there really were unknown objects flying around, and any potential threat would be intercepted immediately. Any craft that did not respond to attempts at communication would be flanked by fighter jets and possibly even shot out of the sky (and for the kids, even Santa Claus is being tracked by NORAD). In fact, the FAA has specific rules for “in-flight intercept procedures,” none of which are being followed for these drones. What this indicates is that the federal government is, in fact, aware of what these drones are and is permitting them to operate for some objective.
There is no way in this world (maybe in outer space) that the government is simply unaware of what the drones are and just letting them penetrate our airspace. We have several agencies that guard our skies and know when a foreign jet gets too close to our territorial air, so it is inconceivable that the government has no idea what is occurring. If our bureaucratic rulers have suddenly become as incompetent as their public statements would suggest, perhaps it is time to defund all of our defense departments and agencies because they are completely worthless. If the government is lying to and manipulating us, perhaps it is time to replace it with something that is transparent and actually takes the people’s interests under consideration.
If any old hobbyist or drone enthusiast who could actually afford to purchase a car-sized drone launched unknown objects up in the sky and flew them over sensitive areas, like airports and military bases, they would instantly be arrested (after having their drone confiscated or destroyed). A massive conspiracy of hobbyists would certainly be investigated by federal authorities, but that is simply not happening (elements of our government are only investigating when pressured to do so, and there is no real attempt to get to the bottom of it). The government is not taking action, and therefore, the idea that these numerous aerial incidents are drone hobbyists just does not make the cut to explain this phenomenon (unless the government is granting free access to the skies to push an agenda, but in that case, the government is still involved).
Although it seems extremely unlikely that civilizations other than our own are behind the drone sightings, this is a good time to bring up Project Blue Beam, which was a conspiracy theory proposed by Canadian journalist Serge Monast (I mentioned this in my article about the Chinese spy/weather balloon phenomenon from last year). The theory suggested that global elites would use holographic technology to simulate an invasion by extraterrestrial beings, but in actuality, the attack would be generated by government entities, such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The proposed purpose of this is to usher in a new worldwide false religion to unite humanity under an autocratic global government, and this is certainly something that you could see the global elites interested in making a reality. We are experiencing a number of earthquakes in locations that we would not expect them to be (first step in the theory in order to reveal unknown artifacts to disprove existing religions) and are being conditioned to accept the possibility of unknown objects flying around our skies and coming up from the oceans (around 2020 is when the government changed its tune on UFOs and started releasing video recordings, documents, and eye witness reports), so is it possible that the powers that be are getting ready to conduct a false flag event that would convince the majority of the population that extraterrestrial invaders are coming to get them (or, some have proposed that the aliens are leaving our planet now because they know that we are about to nuke ourselves into oblivion with World War III)? These drones could be the preparation stage for the light show that the government is about to put on for us and blame on beings from beyond our world (or under our oceans). Could this be why there are mysterious orbs often seen near where these drones are operating? The orbs could be the lights that will become aliens, and the drones are setting them in place.
The government may also be using the cover and distraction of aliens in the sky to conduct secret operations in plain sight. For example, during the 1950s and 1960s, there was an uptick in UFO sightings due to the fact that the federal government was testing new technology, such as the U-2 spy plane. Since these were tested in the open and over civilian areas, residents thought that extraterrestrials were hovering over their homes, when in fact, it was just a series of tests. This seems like one of the most likely explanations for what is transpiring, and in some regards, it could be that the government wants us to film this new technology (new plasma-based drones or sophisticated technology that can be launched from under the ocean?) in order for the video evidence to reach foreign adversaries as a show of force. Maybe the orbs are actually the new technology, and the drones are accompanying and protecting them from sabotage.
Could this also be why these drones are being spotted near military bases of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries, such as Germany’s Ramstein Air Base and the United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force (RAF) bases of Lakenheath and Mildenhall (I have been to these bases in both Germany and England, and when stationed at RAF Alconbury, a group of us airmen spotted unusual lights in the sky over RAF Molesworth that would disappear and then reappear for a period of several minutes)? Perhaps the Biden administration is displaying this new technology worldwide in order to intimidate Russia and China (the United States has bases in roughly two-thirds of the world’s countries, so that would not be difficult).
Another plausible theory besides the government testing out new technology on the naïve and unsuspecting public would be that the drones are sweeping at night for either nuclear weapons or radioactive material smuggled into the United States from other countries or by terrorists and via a submarine or cargo ship. Having these weapons detonate in highly-populated areas would be devastating, so the federal government is desperately attempting to neutralize the threat while not causing public panic. John Ferguson, who is the CEO of drone manufacturer Saxon Aerospace, said that the only reason that drones could possibly be operating at night, flying as low as they are, and still following federal regulations while doing it would be because they are specifically attempting to detect something (such as gas leaks or radiation). I (just last night on 12/17/24) saw a couple of mysterious craft hovering over an area where there is no airport (or low-flying craft of any kind under normal circumstances), and it appeared that they were indeed hunting for something. They did not have any type of other-worldly vibe to them or seem like they were any new innovations, and it seemed like simply a search mission. I cannot say for sure that that is what the objects were doing, but it seems like the most likely scenario.
So, if the government is searching for dirty bombs, it would make sense why it would be lying about it and really know what the objects are. Again, the cover story is aliens from other planets, but in this new era, the government is not coming out and directly giving us the cover story. Instead, it is letting people’s minds do the talking and spreading of disinformation, while the government laughs at our stupidity. And, these may not even be military craft, so the government may be misleading us but not directly lying. Many different government agencies have drone capabilities, so these tests or operations could be originating from civilian agencies (perhaps the Department of Energy or the Department of Transportation). This could be why military members themselves are reporting these objects (could these drones be tested on our own military members?). Since our government is highly compartmentalized, most public employees may truly not know what is transpiring, and only high-echelon individuals who have top secret clearances may be aware of the full picture. This “need-to-know” concept helps keep the story a secret and prevents anybody from revealing information. This means that even congressmen and senators, as well as governors and mayors, are probably left in the dark with only a few lights provided here and there (pun intended).
Or, could it be, as former CIA operations officer Laura Ballman suggested, that the government is conducting secret exercises in civilian areas to test how well our technology is able to handle and detect real-world events, similar to Jade Helm 15, Operation Robin Sage, or Bold Alligator? Civilians who are unaware of what is going on may become alarmed and could suspect something nefarious (like agencies spraying us with harmful chemicals?), or the government could be practicing for a false flag event that it knows will occur (exercises often precede real-world events, leading to the reasonable conclusion that many, but not all, events that we face are actually intentionally orchestrated).
Another possibility is that the government is attempting to flood the skies with drones in order to make the population afraid and justify some new form of legislation that would not only regulate our airspace and give a monopoly of drone usage to government agencies and favored corporations, but it could also add in additional security measures that would then be utilized for the purposes of mass surveillance and expanded police powers. This does not seem farfetched when you consider that science fiction movies and shows depict drones that are out enforcing laws and ensuring compliance with totalitarian and dystopian policies (do not forget about Operation Mockingbird and similar operations where the Central Intelligence Agency manipulates us by sending officers to partner with corporations to ensure that the populace is propagandized through entertainment and news).
Now that the drone sightings have travelled up the Hudson River to as far north as the Capital Region of New York (Albany area, for those not familiar) and temporarily shut down Stewart Airfield in Orange County (near Newburgh), New York Governor Kathy Hochul has demanded that the federal government provide answers and a drone detection system to “protect” citizens from a potentially-concerning situation (she is right in that we do need protection against our own federal government, even if that is not at all what she means). New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith has pressed the federal government to react and give the public some kind of information. Similar to New York, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio had to shut down because of the drone activity, and as sightings have broadened to several states at this point, people are demanding answers. Yet, the federal government, despite claiming that it is trying to figure this out, is not satisfying people’s desire to know.
In fact, National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby (he is likely being spoon-fed what to say) really thinks that Americans are stupid enough to believe his new cover story that the drone activity has been a case of mistaken identity and that everyone who saw the “drones” were simply thinking that they saw unusual phenomenon when they did not. He stated, “We assess that the sightings to date include a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters and even stars that were mistakenly reported as drones.” We will see how long the government tries to play this one off until it recants this announcement and makes up a new one.
The drones could be conditioning us for some false flag event down the road, such as a fake alien invasion or a bombing of the civilian population that becomes a precursor to World War III or war with Iran and Russia (the government can announce that it attempted to save us but just could not); and since the public may believe whatever cover story that is thrown its way, the government could just blame whatever actor it wants and send us to war or implement draconian measures to herd us into our enclosures. The good news is that President-Elect Donald Trump, who may have already had confidential briefings about the drones, is out there saying that the Biden administration most certainly knows the origins of the drones but refuses to inform the public. There is some hope that we will know something after January 20th (if Trump does not cave to the pressures of the deep state and survives additional assassination attempts). Knowledge of what is occurring would be a great Christmas gift, but the Biden administration will seemingly not grant us such a thing.
Thank you for reading, and have a merry Christmas! I plan to release new material in the new year. In the meantime, please check out my book, The Global Bully, and website, which contains an archive of past articles and links to social media platforms with shorter blog posts (there are hundreds of posts to check out).