My Initial Thoughts About the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump
July 13, 2024 will be remembered for being as much of a day of outrage and disgust as January 6, 2021, right? Well, you see, the Left does not quite have the same standards for these types of things. Conservatives and Make America Great Again (MAGA) activists are the most violent people on earth, after all (the cherry-picked statistics would not lie), so when an anti-Trump hater attempts to assassinate the former president at the Butler Farm Show in Pennsylvania (clipping his ear and killing an innocent bystander and injuring two others), instead of jumping to conclusions like with what was done with the Capitol “insurrection,” we must wait for the evidence to come out in this incident. We may yet find that the shooter was on the right side of the political aisle (which really makes little sense unless the government hired the kid or he had the foresight to know that his suicidal actions would have benefited Trump down the road).
Liberals do not want to take responsibility for their years-long rhetoric against Donald Trump. Pro-Biden mouthpiece Harry Sisson (he was not the only one) previously went as far as to claim that the Supreme Court gave the Biden administration the power to assassinate Trump, so was he on to something? When you frighten your political base with the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, condition your listeners or readers to the idea that your political rival is a fascist overlord bent on destroying democracy, take everything that he says out of context in order to spin the narrative, and accuse his supporters of being racists, misogynists, bigots, terrorists, and Christian nationalists; what do you expect is going to happen?
The average liberal is not a critical thinker who can hear these words and separate them from reality. After being subject to the rhetoric for years and years, it is going to make some people act on the hatred that is formed from consuming leftist propaganda (we call the unhealthy and conditioned hatred of the former president “Trump Derangement Syndrome”). Since conservatives are not exempt from this type of thinking either (many blindly follow Trump in a sort of cult-like manner), it is clear that there are crazy people on both sides, despite the fact that the Left wants to paint Trump supporters as violent and pretend that it rides on some high horse up in the sky. What is strange is that liberals genuinely (or at least pretend to) believe that Trump is a Hitler-like figure who is trying to usurp power and destroy democracy, so by their logic, they should want Trump dead, right (and many in the social media sphere do)? Yet, many have come out and condemned the attacks. If you really believed that Trump was the biggest threat to the country, you would cheer for his demise, so what this tells me is that most left-wing pundits do not actually believe what they are telling their audiences (remember the cliché scenario about if you could go back in time and kill Adolph Hitler as a baby?).
The political rhetoric against Donald Trump is much of the problem, and even President Joe Biden admitted as much when he said about the shooting, “We can’t allow this violence to be normalized. The political rhetoric in this country has gotten very heated. It’s time to cool it down. We all have a responsibility to do this.” Prominent Democrats, such as Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, have condemned the shooting and said that political violence is not warranted in this country. Liberals may finally (I would not hold my breath) understand that their constant slams at Trump being the New Hitler have caused much hatred and motivated people to want to kill the former president. Of course, they will never take direct responsibility for inciting violence, and perhaps they should not need to since they were not the ones who told the shooter to pull the trigger, but their rhetoric is not unlike what Trump was accused of provoking on January 6th. According to them, his words caused the insurrection, right? So, by that same logic, the Democratic Party’s words also caused an assassin to try to take the life of Trump. After all, President Biden did say, “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” so that does not sound unlike when Trump said that people need to fight and march to the Capitol to protest.
It is ironic how the Left was so averse to conspiracy theories and said that such ideas were only followed by uneducated and irrational people who were simply following their natural inclinations to explain away unknown situations, but now, these same people who condemned us are embracing, without proof, the narrative that Donald Trump staged the assassination attempt. It is good that many liberals are starting to become openminded toward conspiracy theories (and perhaps escape their bubbles to think outside of the box), but their Trump Derangement Syndrome still holds them back from their true potential.
Furthermore, the Democratic Party and the deep state (including the Central Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation) have been attempting to rid the political scene of Donald Trump for years, from the 2016 fake Steele dossier, which was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and purposely utilized by the FBI to conduct intelligence on and attempt to rig the election against Trump, to the two impeachments (both of which could also apply to Biden) to the “content moderation” deep state censorship project, which aimed to rig the 2020 election in favor of Biden and against Trump, to the effort to eliminate Trump from as many ballots as possible (got to save democracy by being undemocratic) to the phony indictments (Hillary Clinton falsified business records for campaign purposes and hid classified materials, and Biden concealed documents so that he could write a book). Since all of these efforts have ultimately failed to get rid of Trump, have the powers that be resorted to assassination (he gets knocked down, but he gets up again, and they are never gonna keep him down)?
Yet, here we are trying to piece together all of the irregularities of what happened with the assassination attempt, and when we look toward the facts of that day, this was another suspicious event with acts that make little to no sense. Usually, when we have government agencies (Secret Service in this case) acting openly incompetent, we know that the several “coincidences” surrounding the event are likely not coincidences. Why would the assassination attempt against Trump be any different? The corporate media will spin this like always and say that it was a rare event where taxpayer-funded components of our government just happened to fail (there were not enough agents in the field, or blah, blah, blah), but how many government failures do we need before we wake up to the reality that they are not failures at all? If our government is unsuccessful at stopping threats this often and cannot actually protect us, perhaps we should save the money and eliminate these agencies and departments and protect ourselves (with our own guns). Why is that every time a major event like this occurs, we simply dismiss it as government incompetence instead of investigating that there may have been a false flag event or some scenario where the government initiated the incident or let it happen for some nefarious purpose? Why do we as a society always assume that the government has our best interests at heart when it proves the contrary time after time? Have we really been conditioned and dumbed down that much that we automatically rule out the party that is most likely culpable in some way?
What makes this whole ordeal frightening is that law enforcement was not only warned about a suspicious man army crawling on the roof by witnesses on the ground, but we are now finding out that Secret Service had an eye on the suspect for thirty minutes prior to the incident. Thirty minutes is sufficient time to figure out what was going on, and witnesses shouted, “Officer! Officer! He’s on the roof!,” trying to clearly indicate to police that something was out of place. There are no rules of engagement in any agency or department that would have let these warnings go completely uninvestigated.
Additionally, a ladder was propped up against the building, meaning that someone had deliberately placed it there to climb to the top, or it was there all along and would have been something for law enforcement to have investigated prior to the incident but was not. Secret Service agents on top of a nearby barn were looking in the same direction where the shooter was located right before the shots were fired (and seemingly hesitated for about three minutes and let the assailant get off several rounds before firing back), and there is absolutely no excuse or reason for law enforcement to have missed every sign and just sat there and let it happen. A building just 150 yards (450 feet) from the former president would have been an obvious place for Secret Service to have checked prior to Trump’s arrival on stage and monitored during the whole event (did they just ignore their rules of engagement and training practices?), so the fact that a kid with a rifle went undetected on the roof for that long is unacceptable and outside of the norm. Common sense should have told any of these agents that they needed to watch the roof.
Secret Service personnel were either grossly incompetent, sinister (wanting Trump to die), or had orders to stand down (and were naïve and did not understand why they were being told not to investigate or engage). There really are no other options. Secret Service had plenty of time to react (up to a half hour), and yet, the agents did nothing. You would think under normal circumstances that warnings of a gunman would be taken seriously and examined, but when it is the former president of the United States and one of the major candidates for an upcoming election, you would not simply ignore these warning signs. Yet, all of the Secret Service agents on the ground did so and let the shooting occur without any concern for the safety of Donald Trump (until after the shots were fired). I guess time will tell as to what kind of stand down orders were given amid the chaos.
Since Secret Service is highly trained for these types of situations and had the equipment necessary to protect Trump, this cannot, in my opinion, be simply dismissed as incompetence. It is likely that Secret Service wanted this to happen and told its agents to not be concerned about a kid crawling on a roof with a gun. There is not much room for discussion on this because all of the agents messed up in what seems like a coordinated event (if it were simply incompetence, at least one or two of the agents would have done something right), and with professionally-trained individuals protecting a high-profile target, I do not believe that there could be any other explanation for failure on such a level. Whether the agents had a stand down order because the Biden administration (including the Department of Homeland Security, which employs the Secret Service agents) had a hand in the assassination attempt (no, Biden himself likely did not order the attempted murder, but rather, it would have been elements within the government) or members of Trump’s campaign told them to let it happen in a staged event to gain sympathy from the public (or prevent embarrassment from newly leaked Jeffrey Epstein documents), we cannot be sure, but we do know that something fishy occurred.
Since the deep state, especially the FBI, has been targeting Trump for years and the crowd of thousands of people would have had to keep the conspiracy secret (the left-wing conspiracy theory says that the crowd not dispersing and just staying put indicates that all of the thousands of people knew that something would occur before it did); it really points to some sort of deep state assassination attempt against Trump, perhaps an MK Ultra-type of scenario where the shooter was influenced or conditioned, brainwashed, or hired by the CIA (or the FBI) to assassinate the target (the CIA killed John F. Kennedy and does this sort of thing overseas all of the time, so it would not be surprising to have government agents perform this type of task). Oh, and guess who is taking the lead in Biden’s investigation of the incident? The FBI, which I would suspect would have been involved in any type of plot (being that it has been targeting Trump and conspiring against him for years), will be handling this, so do not worry. We will be receiving every bit of the truth, and the FBI will not manipulate the narrative in any way.
So, what about the shooter? Well, it turns out that not only was the twenty-year-old Thomas Crooks (perhaps aptly named) stockpiling explosives in his car and at his parents’ residence and had likely stolen his dad’s legally-purchased semi-automatic rifle, but he was an actor in a BlackRock (yes, the same BlackRock that owns all of the corporate media and almost all products that we consume on a daily basis and partners with the government in a corporatist system) advertisement (is this an indication that he was either paid by government-corporate interests or at least was conditioned to act in the manner in which he did?).
Additionally, he donated (only $15 that we know of) to the progressive political action committee (PAC) ActBlue, which assisted Democratic candidates to get elected, and earmarked it for the Progressive Turnout Project. Interestingly, Crooks appears to have registered Republican just prior to 2022, which corresponds with the Democrats’ strategy of registering liberals in the opposite party in order to sway (manipulate) the results of elections and get candidates that they preferred to win the primaries (the most famous example being when Democrats through American Muckrackers registered their members as Republican so that they could eliminate the “radical” Madison Cawthorn in North Carolina’s 11th Congressional District, and it is estimated that about fourteen percent of the voters in that primary were utilized for that purpose). PrimaryPivot (PivotPAC) has done the same thing in the 2024 election, and Nikki Haley received many of these suspicious votes in Pennsylvania, where Crooks lived (Democrats try to persuade the voters that they are a party of democracy, but at every turn, they attempt to manipulate elections for their preferred outcomes). Why this is important is that the corporate media and left-wing pundits will attempt to pivot away from responsibility and say that since Crooks was a registered Republican and a Trump supporter (rumors of Trump signs at his residence have circulated), he was not conditioned or motivated by an intense hatred against Trump.
So far, the FBI has suggested that the motive of the suspect has eluded it and that it was difficult to unlock his phone (modern technology is a barrier when it is convenient) or find his social media posts (no surprise being that it wants to make sure that its fingerprints are wiped away before proceeding and that there is nothing unfavorable to the government’s predetermined narrative). Well, good news, the bureau has now gotten through the obstacle (yet, it and the National Security Agency have no problem accessing our information when they are spying on us, and it only seems to be a problem when there is an investigation for an event that may prove that the government was involved in some way). Cyber security expert Mike Benz stated on X (Twitter) that the FBI and other agencies were in fact eliminating unfavorable posts and data from the phone before making the social media history and manifestos public, and although this cannot be confirmed at this time, it would make sense based on what we know about how government agents work. Soon, the corporate narrative that will spread around the country will likely be that he was a crazed Republican lunatic who was not connected to the government in any way and did not have any political motivations for trying to kill a former president (Trump just happened to be in the way of his attempt at a mass shooting, you know).
At this time, we do not know much more than this, but we can be sure that things do not add up when even taking a quick look at the events (again, even left-wing commentators are resorting to conspiracy theories on this one). Will the government continue covering this up, or will it be forced to come clean on what happened? Time will tell, but one thing is for sure, this 2024 presidential election season is going to be a wild ride. Donald Trump just got a boost in the polls after raising his fist in the air in an iconic scene amid being shot by an assassin.
Thank you for reading, and please check out my book, The Global Bully, and website.