Democrats Vote No on Bill to Prevent Federal Government from Using Social Media for Censorship
I wonder why the Democratic Party refused to vote in the affirmative for a bill that would prevent federal agencies from utilizing social media companies for censorship. Does the party hate free speech? Does it want to continue targeting political enemies and dissidents in an unconstitutional manner? Does it enjoy using corporations to do the government's dirty work of intelligence gathering and propaganda circulation?
If the "fascist" enemies of Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis were to take over in the White House, you can bet that these same representatives would change their votes to yays faster than you could say the word "hypocrite."
While we are in control, you can go ahead and force social media companies to target posts of conservatives, Trump supporters, and libertarians. They are dangerous extremists and white supremacists. When we no longer have the presidency or Congress, it would be plain wrong to censor liberals, Bernie Sanders supporters, and BLM or LGBTQ activists. It is not like our groups would ever shoot anyone or burn down buildings or anything.