Are the Military and Nuclear Exercises in the Capital Region of New York Cause for Concern?
In the midst of the Donald Trump administration attempting to bypass Congress by suspending funding related to “financial assistance for foreign aid, nongovernmental organizations, DEI, woke gender ideology, and the green new deal,” issuing a multitude of executive orders reversing what the Joe Biden administration had been doing, and beginning an operation to round up and deport massive amounts of illegal immigrants through the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE); the threat of nuclear war with Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea remains. Even if President Trump is less likely to bring us down the road to Armageddon, nuclear exercises are still being practiced, and one such large-scale event is currently taking place in the Capital Region of New York. What are the powers that be planning, and what are they not telling us about what they expect to come?
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released a statement urging the public not to be alarmed by massive military movements between the Albany International Airport (Town of Colonie in Albany County) and Stratton Air National Guard Base (Schenectady County Airport in the Town of Glenville). The exercise is a joint venture between the Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Energy (DOE), National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and FBI, as well as local and state law enforcement and emergency services; and it is taking place throughout various locations in Albany, Schenectady, and Saratoga Counties (conducted by the National Technical Nuclear Forensics Ground Collection Task Force). Although this event is a part of a planned biannual “operational readiness” simulation in case a real-world nuclear event pops off (these exercises have been going on since 2012 in a different part of the country each time), they would not be needed if the federal government engaged in responsible foreign policy and did not aggravate and involve itself with almost every nation on earth.
This comes at a time when the Capital Region was just (and still is) experiencing massive drone activity (I saw some of these mysterious craft hovering over the area throughout part of December) and countries, such as Sweden and Finland, have been issuing warnings that nuclear war may soon be upon us (especially with the continuing war between Russia and Ukraine and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, allies). In addition, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has purchased drugs to treat people with radiation sickness (a common illness that occurs after nuclear weapons are dropped), and some localities, such as New York City, issued public service announcements (PSA) on what steps to take to survive a nuclear blast. If it were just one thing, it probably would not raise eyebrows, but when you take into account the entire picture and the conditioning around moving our mental preparedness toward the possibility of nuclear strikes, you start to wonder if our elites are planning to provoke our enemies enough to where such an event becomes reality. Of course, politicians can play dumb and say that they did not know that nuclear war was going to occur, but then, they keep poking the bear and wondering why we the people are ultimately suffering from death and destruction, while they get to hide in their protective bunkers and wait out the fallout.
Conspiracy theorists had been saying for years that the federal government was going to implement martial law and that it was practicing this through exercises, such as Operation Robin Sage (regular exercise for Special Forces in North Carolina), Bold Alligator (joint operation with multiple branches and allied nations, largely for the Marines and Navy, held annually in North Carolina and Virginia), and Jade Helm 15 (an enormous military exercise that simulated the invasion of conservative states Texas and Utah, with liberal California, Nevada, and Colorado being allied states of the federal government, New Mexico leaning hostile, and Arizona leaning friendly). During these exercises, military personnel were visible to the general public, and in many cases, people were frightened by the unusual activity. Will this type of hysteria rock Upstate New York with the increase in federal, state, and local government aircraft and military movements?
Even if Jade Helm 15 and others were simply practice runs with no basis in reality, some exercises do, however, come into fruition. In October 2019, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in conjunction with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, engaged in coronavirus pandemic exercises just ahead of the real-world COVID-19 pandemic (based loosely off of other previous exercises: Clade X, Dark Winter, Atlantic Storm, and Crimson Contagion). In this simulation, governments practiced implementing plans of engagement, increasing research funding, censoring information running contrary to the official narrative (called misinformation) through partnerships with social media companies, stockpiling medical supplies, and enacting travel and trade restrictions without harming commerce. Man, is Bill Gates a psychic, or what? It is like he knew what was to transpire just a couple months in the future with lockdowns and censorship and having to deal with a coronavirus pandemic. How did he know? Since he is a billionaire oligarch who has control over certain events that take place, perhaps we should heed his warnings more often. This is not to mention Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) conducting, in conjunction with China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology and the United States’ EcoHealth Alliance (non-governmental organization), gain-of-function research, with American taxpayer dollars, to make bat coronaviruses more contagious in humans (gee, what could go wrong?).
In 2021, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation teamed up with the World Health Organization (WHO) to practice simulations for a global outbreak of monkeypox, which is a disease that had never expanded outside of localized areas in Africa, and then, roughly one year later, the disease started spreading to other countries. Was this just a coincidence, or is Bill Gates just prophetic and knows what outbreaks there will be and when? Or, is there something more sinister going on? Again, recall that monkeypox was a local threat and not a global one until right after the exercises occurred. It gets worse when you consider that the 2021 exercise “predicted” that the real-world outbreak would begin in May 2022, and that is precisely when it happened.
From 2021 and continuing through 2026, the United States Department of Agriculture Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory has been back at the gain-of-function research game, along with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of Edinburgh’s Roslin Institute (connected to the Wuhan Institute of Virology), to experiment on causing avian (bird) influenza (flu) to “jump into mammalian hosts.” And voila, the bird flu is now magically circulating among cows and cats and into humans. I wonder why we are seeing headlines about this new strain of bird flu in mammals. It could not have been anything that humans did to manipulate the virus, of course. Just like with COVID-19, this is just coincidental with natural but similar occurrences evolving independently.
What does any of this have to do with the nuclear tests being conducted in the Capital Region of New York, you may ask? Well, this is to say that there are forces at work, behind the scenes and outside of the accountability of the politicians that Americans elect (bureaucrats and rogue agencies, for example), planning and causing events to occur for the benefit of the rich and powerful and at the expense of the people. The Barack Obama administration covertly attempted to overthrow the democratically-elected government of Ukraine in 2014, thus leading up to the events of today and the Russian invasion of that country in 2022. In 2014 and 2015, the United States government started engaging with China by deploying patrol ships to the South China Sea (so called “Freedom of Navigation Operations”). The United States government has had unwavering support for Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel, and South Korea; and these security guarantees only aggravate the opposing powers of Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. From economic sanctions to exercises on the borders of our enemies to covert operations to overt military campaigns, the imperialism on display by the American Empire cannot continue as is forever. In order to stay as the top dog, conflict will inevitably occur, and if we are not careful, World War III could go nuclear.
The reason that the Upstate New York exercises are concerning, outside of the possibility of citizens becoming intimidated by a large military presence in an area where that is not normally the case, is that the powers that be may be planning to bring us down the dark road toward nuclear Armageddon, or at the very least, they are doing what they can to manipulate us into it (remember that World War II did not start in a vacuum, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt implemented economic sanctions against and tried to isolate Japan ahead of the Attack on Pearl Harbor). All of this is to say that if World War III does break out soon, we can trace the causes back to the actions of the United States government, and none of this was a matter of us minding our own business and then getting attacked by foreign powers out of the blue. The federal government is fairly certain that something is going to occur at some point, and it is preparing for it. Otherwise, it would not bother with invading our streets or skies with military personnel.
In closing, we received a recent statement from President Trump’s press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, pertaining to the New Jersey and New York drone activity, and without any surprise whatsoever, the Biden administration lied to us, as the drones were approved for “research” purposes by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and were American drones with the blessing to fly around our airspace (this is exactly what I was saying back in December). There were no foreign or extraterrestrial crafts invading our skies. Now, we must ask: what is this drone “research” being done on the population?
This week, I saw helicopters and/or drones slowly moving over my area in rural Rensselaer County, which means that the exercises may not be confined to the areas that the federal government outlined in its announcement. Are these exercises something more than simply practicing for nuclear fallout? Why would drones be flying over my small forest or the field across the street from my house? Later in the evening and the next morning, the dark night skies had yellow and orange tints in places. Were the drones spraying something to make us sick or modify the weather? Are the military operators conducting these nuclear exercises and inadvertently leaving chemicals in the atmosphere that were preloaded by officers higher up the chain?
It is inexcusable to be experimenting on citizens or engaging in activities that affect the general population without their knowledge. We are not livestock to be herded or subjected to the whims of unelected elites. If we really do elect our officials and have a say in what the government does (democracy, right?), we should not have to question the intentions of those we put into power, nor should we have to send investigators to piece together whatever information that we can find. The conclusion that should really be drawn is that we do not have any say or control over our government, and instead of having true freedom, all we have is the illusion of freedom (going through the motions to vote for two candidates that care only about themselves and pleasing their corporate donors). Whether the government is simulating nuclear strikes or bringing us closer to annihilation, we the people should have a seat at the table and be able control whether or not we strap on armor and weapons and march off to war on behalf of corporate interests and political agendas. Yet, it is naïve to believe that we have a say in anything that happens in politics. The reality of the situation is that we have no more control over those in power than other citizens do in the authoritarian countries that we criticize.
Thank you for reading, and please check out my book, The Global Bully, and website.